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Take a veg pledge for 2024

Rebecca Stevens ANutr

Veg Power’s registered nutritionist and mum of three Rebecca shares simple, realistic ways to make a pledge for more veg that will stick in 2024!

And here we are in January, with all the festive fun of December sadly behind us. Don’t be dismayed, this month, why don’t you channel your energy into improving your family’s health by committing to one of our Simply Veg pledges? 

While many of us know what we should be aiming for in terms of healthy habits, we don’t always manage to achieve them. Let’s take the 5-a-day message. Awareness of this is very high, but in practice many of us aren’t meeting this target. We do understand – life is busy, life with kids is even busier! To help get you back on track, you could start 2024 with actioning an achievable, affordable New Year’s pledge that can get your family closer to the healthier lifestyle you are seeking. 

Let’s start with eating vegetables (and not just because we love them)! Eating veg is part of a healthy, balanced diet and the nutrients from veg support our bodies in lots of different ways – including supporting our immune system. That’s especially important in the winter months. Remember, the greater the variety of veg you eat, the wider the range of nutrients you’ll be consuming.

Ask yourself these simple questions:

  1. Is your family eating enough vegetables? If you aren’t sure, try our guide to understanding portions
  2. Is your family eating a sufficient variety of vegetables? To find out more about eating a rainbow of veg, try our Eat the Rainbow guide (including a free eat the rainbow chart). 

If you answered NO to the above, here are some suggested pledges that you could add to your 2024 goals.

Rebecca’s Top Tips for Veg Pledges!

I pledge to get my kids eating some veg

I pledge to get my kids eating more veg

I pledge to get my kids cooking more

I pledge to reduce my family’s food waste

veg waste

I pledge to incorporate more veg into my family favourite meals

If you answered YES to the questions above, that’s fantastic! Perhaps some of the pledges above immediately resonate with you, but if not, you could use them as a jumping off point for creating different ones to suit your family if you prefer. 

Whichever pledge you focus on, remember with behaviour change the important thing is consistency not perfection. Keep working at it and any small improvements should be celebrated. We’re proud of you for taking this on! Good luck and keep us posted! 


Our Veg Pages have loads of simple ways to add more veg into your family’s meals. Why not start with one of these simple sides for beetroot?

roasted beetroot

Simple Roasted Beetroot

Effort: 1
Complexity: 1
Cost: 1

Claire Wright

beet slaw

Beetroot & Apple Slaw

Effort: 1
Complexity: 1
Cost: 1

Claire Wright

beetroot dip

Beetroot Dip – 2 Ways

Effort: 1
Complexity: 1
Cost: 1

Claire Wright

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Simply Veg Sun & Girl


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