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Engaging Kids

Engaging kids with veg is an easy way to take a step closer to them actually eating it! Whether it’s starting out with crafts and science experiments, or moving on to sensory exploration or even getting kids in the kitchen, we have expert tips for you on how to do it the easy way!

Why is engagement important?

Because it makes a real difference!

Kids who engage regularly with veg through veg-themed activities, such as arts and crafts, sensory experiences, growing and cooking are shown to be more likely to eat the veg they engage with. Encouraging kids to engage and play with veg is the handy first step to them developing a good relationship with veg and life-long healthy eating.

Start slow with “about veg” engagement

Arts & crafts

Puzzles & Games




If you praise them as they enjoy these activities it will make it easier to move on to the next steps such as sensory exploration of veg, helping to prepare or cook the veggies, and eventually eating them.

move on to “with veg” engagement


Kids in the Kitchen


Remember that pressure is never a friend in this process, so the tasting (while the eventual aim) is not required, just encouraged.

Sometimes just hearing “You don’t have to try and you don’t have to like” around veg can make a child relax enough that they are willing to give it a chance! Whether you are giving them a colouring sheet, shopping and planning, or cooking together, increasingly engaging kids with veg, even slowly over time, lays the foundation for them eventually eating those veggies.

DO you have a question you’d like one of our experts to help you with?
Simply Veg Sun & Girl


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