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Food waste

We want more veg to go from plates to bellies, not bins. It saves you money, helps food go further, and helps the environment, too! We’ve brought together some of our experts and content to help you reduce food waste – and stress – in your house.

Reduce your food waste

By being food waste savvy, we can not only save ourselves money and make our meals go further, but we are actually helping the planet at the same time.

Throwing food away is frustrating – it feels like money in the bin. Fortunately, there are some simple steps that can keep this from happening, meaning more veg gets eaten and less money is spent unnecessarily. Win-win!

We’ve brought together some of our experts including nutritionist Charlotte Radcliffe RNtr. and eco-chef Tom Hunt to share their top (but easy!) tips for cutting your food waste down.

Tom's Top Tips

Use by


Batch cooking


Meal planning


Food Preparation

Bellies not bins

Making stock from leftover veg

tom’s food prep guide

Chop, chunk, slice and ice with minimum waste…

DO you have a question you’d like one of our experts to help you with?
Simply Veg Sun & Girl


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Our only goal is to help parents and carers serve up affordable, simple food their families will love. We know that takes more than a few recipes, so we've got all the hacks and advice you'll need. Join now. It's 100% free and 100% simple.

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