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Last time we looked at an overview of the ways that we influence our children’s diets and how some small simple steps in understanding and changing our own veg habits can make the biggest impact of all in helping our kids eat more veg. How did you get on with your challenges? Did you jot down which veg you are eating and start to understand what your own preferences are? Were you able to get others who influences your child’s diet on board where possible? Did you have a chance to eat together?

Now let’s take a look at understanding veg a little more to empower you in the next few steps of choosing and starting to engage with a veg for your child. We have leading nutritionists Jenny Rosborough and Dr Laura Wyness ready to tell you all about portions and eating a variety of veg, and how to make this simple and second nature! We also have Kim Smith from TastEd sharing about how to gain a deeper understanding of your child’s food preferences by asking questions, especially “why” when a child talks about liking or not liking certain foods and using the descriptions that come out as a tool for choosing the right veg to try with your child over this course.